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lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

Ethics in the Science Classroom

I can only talk about what I've seen in my country (Mexico), here there's no talk about ethics associated with the behavior or effects of science in society. If the children are by some chance in private school chances are the school it's going to be catholic so yes there'll be some talk about values but never associated with science class.

The problem I see with this is, besides the obvious one of not having ethical grown ups, is that science is not seen as something social. And recently a horrid piece in the Telegraph brought me back to this thoughts.

First of all the article talks about why girls don't like science, according to the author and I quote: "I also think he’s probably right in suggesting that females, as a whole, are not hugely engaged by science. The problem with science is that, for all its wonders, it lacks narrative and story-line. Science (and maths) is about facts, and the laboratory testing of elements. It is not primarily about people. Women – broadly speaking – are drawn to the human factor: to story, biography, psychology and language."

But science is SOCIAL, science it's not only about the facts it's also about the impacts of those facts. Maybe there was a time when we could make science and let others worry about the impacts of our discoveries, think Hiroshima and Nagasaki (When the decision of dropping the atomic bomb was made Oppenheimer thought they as scientists didn't have enough information to take the decision it was something that should have been left to the military experts, of course after Hiroshima and Nagasaki he changed his mind but that's another story). Another example are the Thalidomide babies, though in this case the effects were not foreseen and when we realized what was happening it was too late for some people.

There's a lack of discussion in the science classroom about the times science has been wrong, about when science should have done better, and when scientists should have been better men and women. I believe one of the many problems we have with getting the public's trust has to do with the fact that people don't know when is right to believe what we are saying. And maybe the fact that we are always presenting science in the classroom as an absolute truth, to later on hear that a study was falsified by some scientist can be one of the many reasons general public distrust science. How can they really know this time is for sure and we are deliberately not lying for grant money, or media or anything else?
Can it be that sometimes people feel betrayed by us?

But there's also another feature of ethics in science classroom that we don't talk about and that is the values of the scientists, well a more appropriate word would be ethics. How can we expect to have scientists with strong ethics if we never ever mention it. To this point in my life (before being admitted to a PhD program in the US) I've never had a values/ethics lesson associated with my career. The closest thing I ever had were my organic chemistry lab teachers asking me to report the real yield of my experiments in class. Now that I am about to start a PhD the closest thing I've had are ethics trough online modules. Again I cannot talk about the education given in the US. But the more I spend time with teenagers, the more is obvious for that the changes in their education that we don't make today, will be very hard changes to do in the future when they are grown up.

domingo, 13 de julio de 2014

How to discourage the few women that choose STEM careers.

I am not going to pretend I know a lot about Richard Feynman. Yes I knew he was one of the major contributors and figures of modern physics. And yes I have heard he was kind of sexist that's it. So this is not going to be a post about him, rather a post about things that came to my mind while reading all the activity on my Twitter TL the last few days. This was specially inspired after reading Janet D. Stemwedel'sHeroes, human “foibles”, and science outreach.

There's a lot of discussion about how very few women chose STEM careers. People like +DN Lee are great advocates about what we can do to keep girls interested in science through their middle school and high school years. There is no way to deny that we have a lot of work on this front and there are still way to many things we can do to change the constant discouraging of young girls towards STEM careers.  But I want to dedicate this post to the women that DID CHOSE A STEM CAREER. 

As I mentioned in my last post I don't come exactly from the kind of background that promoted a science career. Despite that, I studied Chemical Engineering and even though I had several discouraging experiences with the opposite sex I kept telling myself that was not the REAL SCIENCE WORLD it was just my bad luck that I happened to meet bad men that happened to be scientists. But the more I read on twitter and experience academia the more I have to admit it IS THE REAL SCIENCE WORLD and that is time to speak up. Maybe the more of us that tell our stories the more people will realize we haven't made that much of a breakthrough regarding leaving sexism as just a part of society's past. 

There was a professor at college that the first day of class chose two people. The most beautiful girl in the classroom and the ugliest guy. The beautiful girl would be called  "Miss Chalk" for the rest of the semester and the ugly guy "Mr. Eraser", also the girl would get an A+ no matter what she did the rest of the semester and they guy would have to run errands and erase the blackboard the rest of the semester. The professor's logic behind this, as he explained semester after semester at his class, was that on the one hand the girl was beautiful and therefore all her life she would get ahead and get benefits wether she deserved it or not just because she was beautiful. On the other hand the guy was so ugly that he will have to struggle the rest of his life even if he was smart and good. I did not take class with this professor but my experiences were not better than Miss Chalk. 

I happen to have a C on Physics I, the reason was that the professor I had always gave women C's and only if AND ONLY IF you begged, flirt or wore a mini skirt he changed your grade to an A. So he abused his position of power to boost his ego. I also had a professor that once told me I was too pretty to study a SMART CAREER that was only for ugly girls I shouldn't try so hard. During a group project our male classmates asked my friend and I to wear a miniskirt or really tight leggings the day of the presentation so the professor would give an A to the whole team. Needless to say that the opinions we had during the development of the project weren't taken in account and they only wanted us on their team to give the final presentation. Finally once I came to class and one of my male classmates told me I got the classroom wrong that was a engineer's class and I certainly didn't belong there.

I got trough all that with my head high. It was Mexico, a traditionally macho country. It was an engineer major there has always been a struggle for women to prove they are worthy engineers I just had to hold on to and someone would notice I was truly good not just a pretty face. But semester after semester the amount of girls that stayed engineers diminished. 

Suddenly it happened, I started working for a PI that gave a damn, that treated me seriously and that seemed to look beyond my face. Long story short to this day after I found out he had a romantic interest (if we can call it that) in me I don't know if he accepted me in his group because I was smart and good or because from the very beginning he thought he could get into my pants. And that is the real problem.

I said no, he didn't treated me bad, he didn't force me, he just went after the next girl that would say yes. So according to many of the comments I have read the last few days, not only was I lucky, he was a bad man but not a bad scientist and his actions didn't hurt science. He was just a man with the manliest hobbies of all: chasing skirts. The problem is this: He had a type. He didn't went after every girl in his group, but all the girls he ended up chasing had physical and personality traits in common. I fit the type perfectly. So to this day I don't know if he really thought I was good at my job. And it affected me. I did consider not studying a Ph.D because of that experience. And I did have to do a lot of personal job to overcome it. 

Yes, here is the part where women everywhere and even some men will tell me that a man or a series of men don't define what we women are. That part of the problem is exactly that, that we women allow men to define if we are good or not. And I do agree I shouldn't be wondering if I'm good or not. I should be confident enough to know that I was good I just happened to fit his type.  I'm not playing the victim here BUT I WAS ONE, I just happened to go on with my life after that. 

The problem is that once again the responsibility lies on women and not on the men we face. Like #yesallwomen we wore the short skirts or danced provocatively or were too pretty for our own good. If we get discouraged to keep our STEM majors is because we let men get to us. Because we weren't strong enough and we let men define who we were. But is not like that. Those situations, the ones I lived, the ones lots of women face everyday shouldn't be happening on the first place. And things are not going to change until we make men in science and academia responsible for their actions.

Few women chose STEM careers and fewer get STEM majors,  even fewer stay in Academia. If we keep doing the same things, justifying behaviors, making us totally responsable of the situation and protecting important men because of their scientific value we are going to keep getting the same results.

lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

Things I learned as a Rookie Teacher ! Part 1

After a looong hiatus I'm back writing :) I apologize, I've had a couple of crazy months with the end of the school year here in Mexico and all the things you have to do in order to move to the US in August (I thought the difficult part was applying)

This year as a rookie teacher I learned so many things that I want to dedicate a post to all the big lessons, maybe later on i'll write a post on some of the things. Also here I'll make a list about the things I'll do in a different way but only to delve deeper into it in later posts. I truly believe that the things I want to change are the ones that deserve more reflection and discussion. Specially I want to talk about all this things before I start my PhD because that will mean the nature of this posts will change a little bit. I want to keep writing about #chemed but this time about the things I am going to learn as a gradstudent and how this program deeply focused on the learning sciences, policy and psychology will clash with everything I think and know about chemed. I am truly excited about my new life and can't wait to write about it here.

Now to the subject of this post:

1. You will never be completely and absolutely prepared to every possible question that your students can ask in class.

Trust me. Everytime I prepared for class I mad a list of all the things they could ask and prepare a simple answer and there wasn't a class where that list was enough. The imagination of this girls never stopped to surprise me. Also this girls were 15 (10 years younger than me) and they were born with the Internet. I know it may seem like if it wouldn't be a problem but there's a big difference !! Even though the internet has been present most of my life I learned to use it over the years this girls truly have been using it since they have memory and I truly believe they are wired differently. The amount of things they already know, heard of, etc makes them very imaginative when making questions.

2. Never underestimate the influence the background has on the learning process. Specially when it comes to girls.

This is where things from my personal life helped me relate to my students but not in a scientific way. So here comes the context. I come from a very confortable lifestyle. I've been blessed with a hardworking father and a good financially stable life that has allowed me to live things that are not so normal to the country I live in. With that I mean I belong to that little percentage of the population that in Mexico we refer as upper middle class and my students were from a private school that ranged from upper middle class to really rich girls. And I am not saying this to sound presumptuous but I think is worth telling that girls like them and me are not expected to do something from our lives. My parents bless them have supported me every step of the way but I have broken the status quo of what society expected of my from the moment I decided to study chemical engineering and made the choice to attend to a public college (BEST COLLEGE IN MY COUNTRY but still public) We grow with very specific family models. A dad that works really hard, beyond 9 to 5 and a loving mom that maybe went to college but hasn't worked a single day of her life. And before I go on I respect full time moms and I admire what they do but I think is a VERY PERSONAL DECISION and is not and ideal that should be imposed on little girls. Most of the things I remember from my childhood are the lessons of how to be a good girl. How to impress your future boyfriend's parents. How to be the kind of girl that a boy introduces to his parents. What is an appropriate conversation for a woman (no politics, soccer, etc) enough to create a good impression and never so much that it looks like you know more than your man. And this whole rant comes to the point that private schools in Mexico are good for marketing, business, etc. but there's nothing like UNAM to study a STEM career problem is UNAM is 90% working class kids not the kind of place you go looking for a husband (And yes that's the argument they gave so I wouldn't study at UNAM. I know this all seems like a poor rich girl thing to say and I can't pretend to know the things girls from other backgrounds have to face. Though thanks to twitter I have learned a few things. But this girls arrive defeated to the STEM classroom. They are already predisposed that STEM is a guy's thing, and that is something you have to fight against day after day after day in the classroom. It may sound totally silly but this girls are very afraid that they are not going to marry the good way and they are only 15.

Related to this I found the other day this amazing ad about how we don't encourage curiosity in little girls.

3. It will always feel like the first day of class.

Points one and two are things that may not change over the years of teaching. This one maybe not. You will always feel like the first day of class because every class you are teaching something you haven't taught before, a homework you have never graded a test you have never applied. When it came to tests I always was afraid that I did it to long or to difficult and every class I was afraid I would give a sucky explanation. That was also part of the fun but everyday was new and that was a good feeling, I never felt like I was stuck in a routine.

4. Teenagers are resilient to change

For kids that were born in the information age they are resilient to change. They come from a very specific education from elementary school and from some of the middle school teachers so the moment you do something completely different they tend to freak out. But changing their traditional education I think is fundamental in order to develop STEM skills.

5. Sometimes they just need someone to believe in them

There will always be people that struggle with STEM, and that is ok we need artists and people that study different things, but I discovered that sometimes kids that have always struggled with STEM think that is because they are not good enough. Taking special attention with this kids making sure they don't let the "I CAN'T" be the reason they don't succeed in some cases proved to be enough to get them from the F's to a C.

Here's part 1. I hope you liked it :)